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Infinity alliance started as a dream by young people who attended then ran youth centres years ago. After much experience, struggles and obstacles we were able to persevere and build a service for young people by young people. Having the luxury of being a part of two worlds. Being old enough to have the maturity, responsibility, skills, qualifications and experience to be qualified and capable to do the job but also being young enough to still be a part of the culture of young people where we are still able to understand the struggles and minute details of situtions they might find themselves in. But also being able to understand the nuances of actions and the pressures or thinking patterns behind them. This left us in a better position than others to understand young people support them and advocate for them. We have worked as many things starting as keyworkers, support workers, house managers. Then progressing to managers, service managers and beyond. We have set up and managed other organisations before branching into our own, with degrees and qualificatiions such as social worker, Child and young people development, Psychology and sociology and a plethroa of others. When we began we were able to plan our careers around building a business around our passion. Supporting and empowering young people.  Additionally within our team we now have Social workers, practise educators, Nurses (medical, and mental health), Prescribers, College educators, youth leaders and young people advocates as well as a group of young people from our service helping us to make the most amazing service possible.

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Our statement of purpose details our key aims, focus, and priorities for Emerged.

Have a look at all our facilities and mentors and our services on a whole. You will be impressed.

 very short leaflet about what we can offer.

These are the protocols and procedures that governs the actions of us all at Emerged.

Our Service

What the service actually is. We support the local authority in providing accomodation and support for young people which you can see more of by clicking the below button. Beyond the general Accommodation and support however, we offer additional services as seperate entities or as a support to our main services such as  Counselling, and Bespoke education through our partnered organisations.

Our support type offers, Mentoring, Keyworking, Outreach, Care, Counselling, Therapeutic support, and Restraint. In order to match the needs and requirement of the young people we work with. Our staff are trained to deal with these matters constantly and are regularly taking on courses to further increase their capability and skill.

What makes us Advanced

We have gone above and beyond  to give young people the very best that we believe could be given and that they would want or need. We have listened and are constantly listening to them and their feedback through a robust quality assurance programme with young people at the forefront which constantly highlights any ways we can improve and develop to keep the service relevant and beneficail to them and the local authority and we are very proud of what we've done so far. Of course we are still growing listening and learning and what we are able to give increases more daily. See it all by clicking below.

Accommodation types

We offer many types of support in our organisation. Which yes includes Semi - Independent homes, but also offers childrens homes, Stand alone flats/ 18+, Secure units, Mother and baby units, reduced support homes amongst others.


We have an assortment of houses that enables us to deliver our service please see them by clicking from the link below.

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Young people

Young people and their development is a passion for Infinity so far that weve designed their own section so they may have their say, and find answers to many questions they may have. they matter and that starts by us showing them with actions such as allowing them to have their own unique space whether digitally or physically. 

Infinity App

To Infinity and beyond!

The infinity APP is a step into the future. Its about reinventing how professionals and clients connect in health and social care and how they interact. Aiming to bring everyone closer together ensuring that everybody has clarity and organisation while promoting safety, health and well being we aim to bring everybody to the same page as we march forward into a future of infinite possibilites. 

Mobile App


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

01322 435525

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