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More than the Average

We are pleased to say we can now offer many young people in many situations of many ages including to young people between the age of 16-19. As stated Our organisation is Co-led by social workers, nurses, teachers, and various professionals who have worked in the health and social care industry but also directly with young people. Supporting, Empowering and advocating for young people for over 25 years. Additionally we have young people who have gone through our programmes successfully on the board of directors. We have successfully passed the stages of the West London Alliance Accreditation Scheme. And will have Ofsted and CQC registrations shortly.

About Us

We are not afraid of a challenge, our staff are well trained in working with young people with complex needs and they have years of experience working with them. They have worked for various semi-independent organisations and youth centres/ programmes. Our recruitment process for our mentors is 3 months long to ensure the people we are recruiting are passionate about working and helping young people and they have a high success rate. We have no restrictions or preferences on engagement levels as we have worked in this field for a very long time and have always had over 90 per cent engagement.


We offer more than just mentoring and key working, we work with organisations that offer fully government-funded bespoke education programmes with courses ranging from level 1 to university level. Additionally we work with organisations that offer training and employment after qualifications, allowing us to take young people on a journey through education into employment within our organisation Holistically catering to all aspects of a young persons life.


Because we are committed to making changes in these young people’s lives by giving them the best chance at life, we have a team of dedicated, experienced and qualified in-house professionals like counsellors, nurses, teachers, key workers, social workers, and mentors to help maintain the welfare of our young people.


Most of our mentors are creatives (personal trainers, web designers, musicians, videographers, photographers) whose skills we utilize to enrich the experiences of young people. In addition to this, we also run youth projects/centres separately to Emerged which offer FREE projects that our young people are able, and are encouraged to take part in. This includes projects such as music; including studio

recording, songwriting, vocal training, even active performances, videography, photography, modelling, and dance. These activities help steer young people stay engaged and away from anti-social behaviours as well as combat mental health issues and social challenges by keeping them entertained and enriched.


Our policies and procedures can be sent to you upon request.


More than a business

This is not a business to us this is personal. We created a service and by extension homes that we as people wish we could live in and that statement in itself is a testament to our stance when it comes to our service, "offer things as if you were the one they were being offered to and you were the one who was paying for it". We wanted to provide a luxury, premium service at an economic price all for the peace and comfort of the young person/people within our service. With every room coming as standard with televisions, double beds (unless otherwise stated) brand new wardrobe, chest of drawers, table and desk side table and even decorative art in every room everything is designed to keep the young person comfortable and where they are safest, happy and in the home. 


This is the difference between services that are in the field exclusively to make money and those services who are in the field to make a difference. Services whose priority is money over standard will always give the bare minimum in their service as their focus is cutting costs which can mean cutting corners, but those whose actions come from passion will always give as much as they can without asking for any more than they would have otherwise had.

Luxury homes

This is what the alliance is about. Creating luxury services for young people and making that standard of service the norm across the board for the field. Young people are the future, and they deserve the best futures possible and that starts with creating the best possible environment for them to thrive in. 


Even if they can't themselves afford a things such as television giving them the experience of one so they know what they are aiming for working to be able to afford can be powerful motivation. And motivation is part of our edict.

What makes us more

In House Activities

We believe keeping people engaged is top priority. Especially where the young person spends most of their time; in the home. That is why we have ensured in the home there are engaging facilities for the joy and pleasure of each young person such as gyms, and music recording facility. 

Bespoke Education

We are more than just Accommodation, Through our sister company VAST We are able to offer Bespoke Government funded Education level 1 to university level to all young people in our Service free of charge to the local authority & the Y.P

Free Counselling

Having qualified and professional counsellors as a part of the emerged team has given us the ability to offer free counselling to every young person in our service if required or desired. Helping them to better heal by expressing themselves.


Youth Centre Activities

We have a range of youth centre activities we actively run in order to keep young people engaged by giving them options of things they can within our service but outside the home this gives young people outlets that allows them to learn, have fun, socialise and develop skills.



The Alliance App

The Alliance App is the revolution that Key working and mentoring needed, with features such as Geo Fencing, HUDs as well as current & historical access for social workers, Key workers and the Y.P as well as plenty more features you can see here you'll wonder what you ever did without it. 


Complex Needs

Our staff are specifically trained to  support young people with complex needs. We we excel at finding innovative and creative ways to keep them supported engaged and learning. cultivating different approaches to each young person, we understand that no 2 young people and their needs are the same.


Floating Support

In addition to our Accommodation and Support packages, We also  offer floating support for young people external to our organisation but who still needs mentoring and key working.




Key Worker and mentor capability allows us more opportunity and capability for young people in mentoring and key working sessions. Most mentors:

What we offer

We offer various accommodations and support in the form of key working and mentoring to young people.

Please click each title for more.



Offering only the best Accommodation for our young people to live in comfort and safety.








Through our sister company Vast Education we are able to offer BESPOKE Education programmes FULLY funded by the government in whatever field young people are interested in.


Key working & Mentoring

Mentoring and key working sessions is one of the way we help young people in those we focus on teaching new skills as well as allowing them enriching activity. On offer for free is the full scope of activities we have available in our youth centres.



Having a Duo of professionally trained and qualified counsellors on the team has its perks one of which allows us to offer at least 3 hours of counselling a week for young people who wants and needs it.


01322 435525



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