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Some of what makes us the best

Local Authority

Emerged is a programme that has been developed and ran by young people, social workers, nurses, counsellors, teachers and youth workers. In order to give a comprehensive service that covers all basis, while offering professional opinions and knowledge from a vast spectrum of professionals and experiences while ensuring we are following and maintaining our responsibility to a young person in all fields and disciplines while following the law. 


We offer a vast amount of services that goes above and beyond what is typically required or expected of a mentoring organisation.

The core team started out running youth centres and projects but later decided to venture into Young people Accommodation, support care and mentoring in order to help young people within homes and not just for a few hours per week.


A lot of our staff have come from uneasy backgrounds but who with support have worked exceptionally hard to change their lives around and walk a more positive path which the skills and achievement to show for it. This has given them deep knowledge and insight into the culture the mindset and some of the experiences and challenges young people feel and face today in this current society. This has resulted in deep connection and a strong peer mentorship in our programme based on respect yielding incredible results within our organisation.


We offer our services mostly to local authorities such as Social Services, Organisations such as the NHS, and at times parents and carers.

Beautiful Nature

In house activities.

We believe keeping people engaged is top priority. Especially where the young person spends most of their time; in the home. That is why we have ensured in the home there are engaging facilities for the joy and pleasure of each young person such as gyms, and music recording facility. 

Having qualified and professional counsellors as a part of the emerged team has given us the ability to offer free counselling to every young person in our service if required or desired. Helping them to better heal by expressing themselves.

The Alliance App is the revolution that Key working and mentoring needed, with features such as Geo Fencing, HUDs as well as current & historical access for social workers, Key workers and the Y.P as well as plenty more features you can see here you'll wonder what you ever did without it.

We are more than just Accommodation, Through our sister company VAST We are able to offer Bespoke Government funded Education level 1 to university level to all young people in our Service free of charge to the local authority & the Y.P

We have a range of youth centre activities we actively run in order to keep young people engaged by giving them options of things they can within our service but outside the home this gives young people outlets that allows them to learn, have fun, socialise and develop skills.

Complex Needs

Our staff are specifically trained to deal with and support young people with complex needs finding innovative and creative ways to keep them supported engaged and learning. 



We offer semi -independent accommodation for young people 16 to 19


We offer mentoring hours teaching a young person skills and abilities that they need and want to have in order to live a holistically great life

Stand Alone Flats 

We do have stand alone or shared flats, available for any Local authority or young people who require that type of accommodation.

Key Working

We offer key working hours tracking progress and pathway plans and helping a young person to achieve all their objectives 

Floating Support.

We offer floating support for young people external to our organisation but who still needs mentoring and key working.

Supported lodgings

Is a service we are currently exploring please enquire for more.

Cloudy Day

Service Name

Key Worker and mentor capability allows us more opportunity and capability for young people in mentoring and key working sessions. Most mentors:

Service Name

Skills such as fitness, instructors or coaches.

• Health and social care

• Media and technology • Youth work

• Sports science

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All our mentors are respectful and approachable.

Service Name

Have or is working towards degrees or higher level qualifications such as the ones below

• Psychology and sociology

• Social work

• Degree in counselling

• Child and young people development

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Worked with young people or in health and social care previously.

• Youth work

• Musicians

• And many more

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All our mentors are hard working and passionate

Our Mentors

Service Name

A sample of the Free activities we do in our mentoring session


Hair, Make-up, Nails, Fashion, Photography. Business management


Skills that could make income

Web design, App design, Advert creation, Graphics creation, visual media, Auditory media creation

Fitness and sport


Boxing, Kick boxing, Body building, weight training, Football, Basketball, other fitness activities


Music Recording, song writing, vocal and rapping lessons, instrument training, producing using Logic Pro.

Supported lodgings

Is a service we are currently exploring please enquire for more.

Our key aim is to provide more for the young people in our service and give more opportunities at a reasonable price.

Get to Know Us

Our key aim is to provide more for the young people in our service and give more opportunities at a reasonable price. Our housing is of high standards with many options to suit each young person’s needs and accommodate for the level of support they may need.

We can deliver quality accommodation and one-to-one key work support to young people to enable them to become more independent and guide them through areas of life. We help them develop skills in many areas, so they are prepared for living on their own and everything that comes with that.

Our service packages range from semi-independent accommodation with low support for those just needing a little nudge into independence to higher level of support. We are happy to consider all referrals received for young people, no matter how challenging or their backgrounds in fact challenging young people from varied backgrounds is our speciality.

Once a referral has been made, we will keep in contact with you to keep you updated every step of the way. 

From previous staff

Name, Title

​The People at Infinity was like a family to me. As staff they supported me and encouraged me to reach further in my life and career and i will always appreciate and  miss them
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