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Support & Engagement

What to expect in sessions

The key aims of key working sessions is to keep a young person engaged, learning, achieving and having fun. That is why we have gone above and beyond to make ours the very best someone could ask for or offer.


We offer key working hours tracking progress and pathway plans and helping a young person to achieve all their objectives 

Youth Centres

If our mentors aren't enough, our youth centres certainly will be. Designed to be a place of opportunity, we call our youth centres the "schools of change".


Offering sessions 3 nights a week from 6pm to 9pm, it is a place where young people can come to socialise with others like themselves have fun and learn. 


We offer self defence, fashion design and modelling, photography, dance, music, football, basketball and more, as well as a meal free of charge. 

Our youth centres are the place to be.


We offer mentoring hours teaching a young person skills and abilities that they need and want to have in order to live a holistically great life

Home Facilities

Our home activities include a range of fun and energetic exercises such as a portable recording studio, boxing and martial arts. We have equipment stored safely on the premises in a secure place. We have basic sports equipment such as boxing pads and gloves, press up equipment, basic music recording instruments and more. Our young people often don't have to leave the home, or go very far to enjoy activities.

Key workers

Our key workers are fun and dynamic.  They possess key skills, abilities and degrees that allows us to give more in every single key working session. We have qualified counsellors, fitness trainers, dancers, martial artists, musicians, make up artists, web and app designers, and so much more to offer our young people.  A wider range of options helps young people stay engaged and access a range of new and innovative activities that  they can do, and take part in, that are in house and free of charge. Imagine learning to be a professional photographer in a key working session or recording those feelings and emotions and making a song, or even being personally trained.

External Facilities

External facilities and job/ educational opportunities

For the times that they do have to go somewhere however, we do have external facilities that is designed for that purpose. For those young people enrolled on our educational programmes they would get the opportunity to work alongside external people such as coaches, photographers and sportsmen depending on the field they choose to study in.  This comes with facilities that support the profession. Young people often also get the opportunity to get paid jobs once trained.


Key working

Key working. Key working at infinity is classed as the formal and legal things that we do with young people.  this is things such as doctor's, dentist, Opticians, support plans amongst other things. Here we break this down into passive and active keyworking and passive keyworkijng. Active is things you do directly with the young person such as going to the doctors physically. And passive is things you do for the young person even if they are Not there such as writing and logging information and reports. Key working is anything that progresses the young person in a formal way. They are tangible physical things that need to be done and evidenced. These are things such as budgeting, cooking, doctors, sexual health. This is heavily supported and influenced by the key working codex and independent skills. As well as the activities list 


Mentoring is anything that is designed to build relationships and develop the young person interpersonal, relationship, social, or emotional well-being. This could be watching films, talking, going out for meals, playing games among other things amongst other things. This is heavily supported and influenced by the key working codex and independent skills. As well as the activities list. 

Portrait of a Boy with Glasses


Outreach is a type of support service that we offer to young people who do not live within our group supported accommodation. Young people who live in standalone flats are a good example of outreach support. It’s involves doing the same mentoring and keyworking as you would in the group homes but instead just traveling around to different homes to meet different young people. You as a keyworker can book and schedule these times with the young people. And each young person will have different hours of support. Parents can privately access this type of support for their children too. We typically deliver this service by meeting young people in their home or in their community. Some of the young people who used to live in supported accommodation and now live on their own will still have outreach sessions with a keyworker/ mentor in the 18 plus flats. 


Care is working with an individual who for some reason or another is unable to complete daily tasks themselves or function freely and effectively without the aid of someone else helping them. This could be due to having a disability, being elderly or quite young, having an illness or suffering from mental health disorders. This is not the type of service we offer. This is tasks such as cooking for them, clean for them, shopping for them and sometimes cleaning them and bathing them. The key word for them that differentiates it from support is FOR.

Portrait of a Boy with Glasses


Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues. This is something that we offer to some of the young people within our service.  

Bespoke Education

Bespoke education is looking at courses and training programmes that are tailored to a person, these could be in the way they are delivered or the flexibility in their hours which help them be more accessible to young people. We offer this through our sister organisation Vast education which is an organisation government funded to provide education to some young people. This could be things ranging from music qualifications to business development and management to coaching or personal training and a plethora of other trainings. It does require a person going out and actively working in these environments such as a music studio. which Vast educations usually organises.    

Portrait of a Boy with Glasses

Youth Centres

Community Places offering a wide range of facilities and activities for others to engage in. these are good places to allow young people to build relationships and social skills and interactions as well as giving them positive activities to engage in to direct their energies in positive ways. Such as kickboxing, football, basketball. Dance, photography, studio recording amongst many others. 

In house Activities

A wide range of facilities that we have in each of our homes that young people can engage in. these range from gym and sporting equipment to studio equipment, games systems and more 

Portrait of a Boy with Glasses




Is the next step in mentoring and key working bringing the Key workers, the client and the social worker closer together. It offers a hub where you can see pictures and video snippets of every single mentoring/key working session, recall every single weekly update and monthly reports, see all appointments and details on the young people as well as leave comments and emojis to let someone know you are checking and supporting, it also offers various security features for young people such as a distress button that would send an alert if the young person needs assistance as well as direct calls to key workers free of charge and a map home from any location as well as ICE (in case of emergency) contact and identification. in the future the app will also be used as a check in app using geo fencing technology, so that a young person will be automatically signed in when they enter the home or a youth centre and can also see who else is present and available to help.


​A place for young people and workers in one easy place. Check daily activities, Appointments, Updates, Reports, Social media, Mentor notes, video logs, Timelines, pathways plans and much more at your finger tips.


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